March 4, 2016

Marisol Hernandez (Brooklyn), Yessenia Mendez (Brooklyn), Jane Landry (Brooklyn), Sonja Shield (LSSA President), Andrea Shang (Central/MLS), Cathy Barreda (Queens), Liliana Gutmann-McKenzie (Staten Island), Jennifer Alexis (Central)
Eight LSSA union members traveled to Albany this past week to join UAW union members from across New York as we met with our state elected officials.
Our eight teams alone met with almost 150 state senators and assembly members. Our whole UAW group met with over 200 elected officials.
We encouraged our elected officials to support bills creating a single payer health plan to provide comprehensive health coverage for all New Yorkers, providing paid family leave, improving the unemployment insurance system, raising the minimum wage to $15, reforming the campaign finance system, protecting low-wage workers against wage theft, and passing the DREAM Act.
In addition to letting them know where we stand on these issues, these lobbying visits help us build relationships with our elected officials. These relationships become crucial avenues of support when we face difficult negotiations with our employer.