The union of the employees of legal services NYC & MFY
Favorable Ruling in MFY Arbitration
December 18, 2015 A neutral arbitrator this week ruled that MFY was wrong in categorizing their Assistant Controller as a management position. The arbitrator ruled that the Assistant Controller position should instead be included in the union. In February 2015, MFY hired a staff member in the newly created position of Assistant Controller. The MFY […]
Hardship Materials Added to Website
December 11, 2015 Our hardship committee took care of us during our strikes. When our members needed help paying things like rent and utility bills, the members of our hardship committee were the ones who evaluated and processed their applications, all while making sure that our members’ confidentiality were preserved. To do this, they came […]
Executive Committee Attends Arbitration Training
December 3, 2015 We’re polishing our arbitration chops! Our union’s Executive Committee spent the day getting trained in labor law and arbitration so we’ve got the skills we need to represent our members.
Large Turnout at Delegate Training
November 6, 2015 Almost thirty delegates and prospective delegates turned out last week for our annual all-day delegate training. We had an extremely lively discussion as we talked through various ways of handling disputes and protecting the rights of our shop members.