February 24, 2017
Are you new to the union, and looking to learn more about the union and your rights?
Or thinking about becoming more involved?
Or maybe you’re a delegate, and want to increase your skills.
We can match you up with a mentor!
Have you been in the union for a while?
Maybe you’ve been a delegate, or walked the picket line when we were on strike.
You’ve seen what we’ve done that’s worked … and what hasn’t. And you’ve got some good stories.
Think about becoming a mentor!
The union is launching a mentorship program to match members who are newish to the union, or newish to a union leadership position, with members who have been in the union for a longer time.
What’s the time commitment? We ask that you meet as a mentor-mentee pair once a month. We’ll even pay for lunch if you want to meet over a meal! And we ask that you check in with each other briefly between meetings, by, say, stopping by the other person’s office or cubicle to say hello. It can be as informal as you both wish – we want this to work for you and around your schedules.