These proposals to modify the LSSA 2320 bylaws will be voted on by the Delegates Assembly at the April 1, 2015 meeting.
(Currently, although the membership meeting originally adopted the bylaws, they cannot amend them.)
XVI. Sec. 2 The Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or part, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Delegates Assembly, following the required period of notice to the membership. The Bylaws may also be amended, repealed or altered in whole or part, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a membership meeting, provided that, in addition to the required notice provisions, the membership meeting also reaches a quorum of members attending of three times the ordinary quorum for a membership meeting.
XVI. Sec. 3. Any proposal to amend …must be sent by email to each delegate and also electronically to the membership listserv at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting which is to consider such change. In addition it must be posted on the LSSA website.
(Currently, although the membership meeting originally adopted the bylaws, they cannot amend them.)
XVI. Sec. 2 The Bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or part, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Delegates Assembly, following the required period of notice to the membership. The Bylaws may also be amended, repealed or altered in whole or part, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a membership meeting, provided that, in addition to the required notice provisions, the membership meeting also reaches a quorum of members attending of twice the ordinary quorum for a membership meeting, and whenever any three or more members present request it, a quorum of three times the ordinary quorum for a membership meeting.
XVI. Sec. 3. Any proposal to amend …must be sent by email to each delegate and also electronically to the membership listserv at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting which is to consider such change. In addition it must be posted on the LSSA website.
IV. Sec. 5. A quorum at a citywide membership meeting shall be 25 30 members.
(Currently, if officer terms end in July [after bargaining], the bylaws require a membership meeting to approve the CBA in June, a membership meeting for elections in July, and then another for more elections in September.)
VIII. Sec.2. Except as stated below, each of the officers of LSSA shall be elected to serve a term of one year from the effective date of their election, as defined below. Elections shall be held at a General Membership Meeting called for that purpose in September of each year, except that in years where contract negotiations are still in progress in September the Delegates Assembly may postpone such General Membership Meeting and election of officers until within one month two months after the settlement of the contract. If the thereby-postponed election occurs between May 1st and September 30th, it replaces that year’s upcoming regular September election. Nominations may be made in advance of this meeting to the Executive Committee or from the floor at this meeting and each office shall be filled by that person receiving a majority of the votes cast for that office. Nominations must be accepted by the person nominated. A person nominated in advance may submit a brief statement to the Executive Committee which shall forward it to the membership in advance of the meeting. Members shall be encouraged to run in upcoming elections. Calls for nominations shall not state whether incumbent officers intend to accept re-nomination.
(The CBA establishes committees on healthcare, 403B, and Mgmt/Labor relations, and there is no guidance in the bylaws as to how those positions should be filled.)
Article XI. Sec.5. All standing committees shall have a chair, or co-chairs, elected by committee members or by the DA. Standing committees may convene such sub-committees as are necessary to carry out their purposes. When committees of limited membership are established, such as by a Collective Bargaining Agreement, then the union members of such committees shall be selected from the LSSA membership by the DA following a call for volunteers emailed to the list of delegates.